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Other Information Firefighters Homering:
The History of The FFHR was started in the early part of 2000 as a ring to link other Fire, Ems & Police related Websites together. These sites include Personal & Professional Websites from all over the World. Each webmaster has put countless hours & effort within their respective website(s) & are very proud of their work. With 5 Members' Websites originally thru Webrings.org, at which point Yahoo.com acquired Webrings.org. The on-coming changes of the newly acquired Webrings/Yahoo.com began to send a lot of Ringmasters looking for another server that had basically similar if the not the same features as the Old Webrings.org provided before. A vote was brought before the FFHR Membership to either stay with Yahoo.com or look at moving the FFHR somewhere else. The members opted to move to Bravenet.com and have stayed since. Currently to date ( Feb.15,2002 ) The Firefighters HomeRing has now grown to 76 of what I feel as the Best Fire, Ems, Police &Emergency Related Websites on the Internet. The above graphics are 2 of many, which is done by the Great & Wonderful Artistic Skills of Marilee. When you have a moment, stop by When you have a moment, stop by & check Medic 710's Place. Within in the FFHR, there have been quite a few friendships that have bonded. We always try to help each other when needed, whether it may be with a website, patch trading emotional support, & so forth. The members of the FFHR are the best in the world!! Websites from within the United States of America, The Netherlands, Germany, England & more. Stop on in and check these awesome websites out. Please also sign their Guestbooks, so the Respective Webmasters know you were there.
The FF with child was made by Medic 710 The FFHR Website was created & designed to be "a little" different from all the rest of the Webrings & SiteRings listed on the Internet. To my knowledge the FFHR website is the ONLY website designed as a webring portal. As of July 2000, the Firefighters HomeRing domain name was obtained & purchased once our membership hit "50". To date, the FFHR continues to grow & serve the purpose of linking Fire, Ems, Police & other Emergency related websites together. Please stop by & visit our members websites when you have a moment. Site Design by 6 DOGGS Dave Lightner
Ring/Webmaster, Don Arner Assist. Ringmaster.